Muse headband model differences

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Peter Gamma
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Muse headband model differences

Post by Peter Gamma »

You mentioned in your OSC Specification that:

«the 2016 model Muse (MU-02) is able to output RAW EEG data at 256Hz as well as also being able to output RAW EEG from the right ear USB Auxiliary connector»

Here in the Muse headband forum it says that the Muse headband cannot be used during charging: ... eep/427/18

So if I got it right, it is possible to run the 2016 model Muse (MU-02) with an usb connector for output RAW EEG data. When an usb cable is connected for usb output does it charge at the same time?
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Re: Muse headband model differences

Post by James »

You can't use any model of Muse while it's charging. Charging it puts it into charge mode and turns off it's bluetooth.

The Right AUX gives you an extra EEG sensor reading from a single pin on the USB port. So you can for example, put another electrode on the top of your head and plug it in via the USB port.

If you go to settings you can turn on the right aux display in the raw eeg view. Tap the usb connector with your finger and you'll see it spike.
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Re: Muse headband model differences

Post by Peter Gamma »

So the USB port can be used as an input, and is not an output. That was a misunderstanding :mrgreen: .
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Re: Muse headband model differences

Post by Peter Gamma »

The muse headband 2014 has 2 usb ports:

Is there an advantage to have the muse headband 2014 with two usb ports compared to a model with only one usb port?
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Re: Muse headband model differences

Post by James »

It can have two aux eegs, one on each port. .. but it only runs at 220Hz and a 2014 model will likely have a half dead battery if you buy it now in 2019.
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Re: Muse headband model differences

Post by Peter Gamma »

That means buying a muse 2014 needs soldering, and buying newer muses means writing Matlab interfaces, or praying for a Matlab interface :roll: ?
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Re: Muse headband model differences

Post by James »

Do you need the data live? If you can do with recording and viewing, then there's a script here to import from Muse Monitor CSV into MATLAB
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Re: Muse headband model differences

Post by Peter Gamma »

The most interesting solution is to have the data live :roll: .
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Re: Muse headband model differences

Post by TallyFeli »

Hi....Seems as though this is genuine EEG on 4 channels. In the beginning of customer biofeedback gadgets there were head sensors that read muscle electrical action (" EMG") and had the appalling impact of preparing the wearer to jerk their eye muscles to get the "casual" input signal. Not exactly on a standard with Navin Johnson's "Opti-Grab" yet close.
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