Online Graph

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Online Graph

Post by Se7en »

Would it be possible to combine data from more than one sensor on ?
Now you can see either for example Brainwaves or Accelerometer.
What I mean is the correlation between movement as recorded in Accelerometer and obviously the EEG stream.
I think it would be very helpful if both graphs could be displayed on the same screen in the same time frame.
Again I do not really know if that is technically advanced to do. BUT I think it would help to see this two recordings in the same screen.
Later once Interaxon released the code for their heart rate monitor that could also be shown in there.
Like rather a choice between one or the other. A choice of how many information you want to display in a stacked graph.

Again thanks for considering.

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Re: Online Graph

Post by James »

I can't do it in the online charts as the Google Chart API which I use doesn't have this feature yet unfortunately.

You can do this in Excel if you do what's called a "Combo" chart. That will let you put two data sets, the with different scales, on the same chart.
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Re: Online Graph

Post by Se7en »

Sounds interesting.
I would have to do some studying into Excel to get that accomplished
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Re: Online Graph

Post by Se7en »

Nope my knowledge is too little to even understand the huge data in the CVS let alone to translate that to a Excel or in my case libreoffice calc chart.
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Re: Online Graph

Post by Asareere »

In excel on the combo graph use secondary axis to plot the data.
Google how to to add secondary axis in a excel chart.
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