New Muse S (gen 1) Firmware Update

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New Muse S (gen 1) Firmware Update

Post by mikalus »

Anyone know what's been changed/added/deleted in the new Muse S (gen 1) firmware update?

My concern is that it might affect the MM readouts in a way that makes them inconsistent with the ones that I have been logging in the past.

Anyone know of what's been changed and if it will affect MM readouts from now on?

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Re: New Muse S (gen 1) Firmware Update

Post by James »

Is the same sensors in a new casing. Mind Monitor will not be affected.
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Re: New Muse S (gen 1) Firmware Update

Post by mikalus »

Thanx James. They said something about the soft electrodes being upgraded. Do you think they are more sensitive ( fewer drop-outs ) ?

Oh, and that kinda answers my previous questions re: worth upgrading to the Gen-2 :-) Thanks.
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Re: New Muse S (gen 1) Firmware Update

Post by James »

I don't have one yet, so I can't comment on that sorry. My contact at Interaxon has confirmed to me that it's got the same sensors, so it'll work just fine with Mind Monitor.

I would buy the Gen 2 over the Gen 1 if you don't have a Muse S, because the second generation of any hardware generally has better manufacturing; but if you have a Gen 1 that's working fine, then unless you have cash to burn, I'd just stick with what you already have.
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Re: New Muse S (gen 1) Firmware Update

Post by mikalus »

(chuckle) :-) I've got 2 Gen 1's, so I think I'll stick with them. Thanks for saving me some money.

I'm just frustrating myself trying to get the horseshoe to stop popping up with only outlines on the 2 temporal electrodes - they then fill and it fades out, but is back in 3-6 seconds. I've tried everything, including salt water and eeg gel, but it keeps doing that. However, on the raw graph, the TP electrodes are as quiet as the AF ones - suggesting that I have good contact all around.
So I don't know if this is just a 'glitch' in the horseshoe code or whether I am loosing info intermittently on the TP electrodes. That's why I was asking about the new Gen 2 headband electrodes.
And I can't even buy just the new Gen 2 headband, because they are not selling it by itself! Arrrghhhh.
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