Raw data and fft

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Raw data and fft

Post by Ales »

Hi James, first of all, let me know I really like your app. It is the only way to work with the muse data programatically from C#, which is my language.
I am trying to use raw data and get bands power by fft, but still without success. I just wanted to ask whether you have any experience with fft and muse data - if you did have you might help me. My results after fft are very weird and I don't have an idea why. The results are very high in gamma and very low in alpha. The raw data are preprocessed - linear baseline correction, notch filtering 50Hz. I have tried more fft implementations just to ensure fft algorithm is not a problem and all get the same results.
If you had any idea, it would help a lot. Thanks!
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Re: Raw data and fft

Post by James »

Make sure you're recording all the RAW EEG by setting the "Recording Interval" to "Constant", that will give you 256Hz RAW EEG data.
Get the mean for your window and do a hamming filter before performing the FFT. That's all I'm doing for the discrete graph in the app.
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