Alpha-Beta NeuroFeedback app

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Grasping Infinity
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Alpha-Beta NeuroFeedback app

Post by Grasping Infinity »

Hi Everyone, I'm so excited to announce that I've finished the latest version of my Alpha waves Neurofeedback app. It used the Muse headband in tandem with the Mind-Monitor app allowing the user to learn how to fire alpha waves In all four quadrants and reduce beta in all 4 quadrants.
Here's a link If anyone Is interested:
There is a tutorial video on the page as well.

let me know what you think! ;)
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Re: Alpha-Beta NeuroFeedback app

Post by James »

Looks very cool! :-)
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Grasping Infinity
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Re: Alpha-Beta NeuroFeedback app

Post by Grasping Infinity »

I'll be posting some of my recording from my meditations with the app. Here's one I did awhile ago
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Re: Alpha-Beta NeuroFeedback app

Post by Grasping Infinity »

Here's one I did today.
I'm curious, has anyone heard anything about having frontal peaks of theta and rear peaks in alpha? It would make an interesting follow up to this app for different configurations.

Maybe a gamma feedback app as well. It could be beneficial for people with Alzheimer's.

I know that frontal delta peaks and rear alpha peaks is where masters demonstrate their siddhis. I'll probably make an app for that eventually but I have to get really good at alpha first. And I wouldn't want any one off the street using the delta/alpha feedback. Only people who are serious about meditation and advancing human potential.
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Re: Alpha-Beta NeuroFeedback app

Post by Grasping Infinity »

Here's another one. I actually got some gamma while using the 3rd tab (alpha and beta combo feedback).

BTW does anyone actually know what the Muse App trains your brain to do? ( alpha/theta or symmetry , etc)
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Re: Alpha-Beta NeuroFeedback app

Post by Grasping Infinity »

A kind of cool combo I found was using the Flameinmind alpha peaks (to get steady alpha waves) then using the classic muse app. it's a good alternative to my app if I don't have my laptop with me. but Flameinmind is $160 so it's a close call
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Re: Alpha-Beta NeuroFeedback app

Post by Grasping Infinity »

did some research over the weekend with various neurofeedback research papers. Found some interesting results. I'll continue to learn more things and post them here.

- Faster Alpha, above 11 Hz seems to be associated with intellectual brilliance
- He saw that the person with the larger Alpha amplitude, seemed to be “recruiting” the other person, the one with the smaller Alpha amplitude, to shift their frequency toward the frequency of the person with the higher amplitude. This is a BIG DEAL! When the frequencies match up, miraculous things happen. This implies that emergent properties of mind will occur when people synchronize their brain waves.
- When a Biocybernaut Alpha trainee doubles or triples their initial, pre-training levels of Eyes Closed Resting Baseline level of Alpha, they will live in a profoundly improved and profoundly altered reality.
- Alpha that is higher in the centrals and low in the occipitals, is associated with angel pattern.
- Bio cyber naught article
- In the above study, subjects with schizophrenia exhibited a tendency toward left lateralized alpha power compared to those with MDD, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and conduct disorder, while those with MDD exhibited a tendency toward right lateralized alpha power.
- ... 20-02972-8
- Alpha delta sleep is associated with drowsy sleep. And can causes side effects.
- So don’t practice alpha feedback during sleepy time.
- Midfrontal theta oscillations have recently been proposed to temporally organize brain computations during conflict processing
- At the macroscopic level in humans, functional neuroimaging data show that non-REM sleep is characterized by global and regional decreases in brain metabolism and blood flow
- ... ment-sleep

as for an update on the app (free update), once I figure out how to get a hold of the eeg raw data in my coding software, I have plans to add the angel pattern option with the use of the external sensor for the centrals. more info on the angel pattern here:
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Re: Alpha-Beta NeuroFeedback app

Post by Grasping Infinity »

Some more recordings using the feedback app
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Re: Alpha-Beta NeuroFeedback app

Post by Customer »

Hi there, alpha is worthless. Do gamma feedback. And custom frequencies. And where are the two hemispheres? Also, too expensive. Asked the guy here years ago to do this on his app and make it produce some noise instead of being a useless device that's neither research grade, nor costumer worthy but he said he was at a loss at which sounds to use. Wish i was kidding.
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Re: Alpha-Beta NeuroFeedback app

Post by Grasping Infinity »

Hi there.
Alpha is not worthless! it's the primary frequency in all master meditators and is associated with relaxed, non-attached consciousness. Check out the awakened mind pattern, alpha is always the dominate frequency.

Gamma feedback app is underway ;) it's mainly going to be included in the version 2. I'm really looking forward to it! it's been a major passion project.

These graphs above are from the mind monitor built in recording. Watch the tutorial video and the two hemispheres are on the lower right. Similar to the mind mirror.
Also working on using the raw eeg to do cool things like brain symmetry and different awaken mind patterns. it's such a joy doing this work and offering it to other people.

as for the price, neurofeedback is such a powerful, priceless tool. it's non invasive way of dramatically improving your meditation, taking off years of practices to achieve high results.

if $34 is too much for you here are some alternatives

Flameinmind on the app store ($160) (muse headband)
MindLynd ($160/week) (muse headband)
Mind Mirror $2695.00
biocybernaut $79,998 USD for 1 week (doesn't require muse products)

however the original muse app is free and it's pretty good. I personally just wanted more details.

But I actually changed the price to $10 even before seeing your post, just because I don't care about the money. I really care about people improving their lives and raising consciousness. Thank you to James for making this app and the opportunity to develop these things.

And MaxMSP (the coding software I use for all of this) announced RNBO a few months ago. It's this addition that would allow me to put all the code up on a website of some sort and people could literally run the app on their web browser. That would be great and it would be totally free. Maybe they could pay for the standalone app if they wanted to use it, but use the website version for free.
I'm saving up for the RNBO upgrade. link in my gumroad if someone would like to support this vision of mine.
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