horseshoe indicator

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horseshoe indicator

Post by Marias »

hello James,

thank you for a great app! i am performing a neuromarketing study and after a month of successful usage of muse and mind monitor i encountered some problems. Namely a horseshoe indicator doesn't work and there is no data about the frequency bands. The battery indicator is working mostly, but sometimes dissapear as well. The raw data is looking good. i tried all recommended tricks like rubbing sensors with alcohol, checking if the sensors are pressed well to the skin (both central and on the sides), checked the condition of the skin. I have 2 devices (Muse 2), 2 samsung ipads and an iphone. both devices stopped to work simultaneously and i checked it on both ipads and the iphone -the same result. I tried to still record and check the data- i still can see the raw data, but the rest is empty. Do you have an idea what could be the issue and what else i could try to fix this problem?

best, Maria
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Re: horseshoe indicator

Post by James »

An empty black ring on the Horseshoe Indicator means the headband is not being detected as being on your head. In the data you will see this as a zero in the "HeadBandOn" column.

This happens when the center front three sensors are not in good contact with the head. If you are getting data on the RAW EEG channels then the very center sensor pad is making contact, but the two on either side of it are not.

When these center grounding connections are not in proper contact, the brainwaves are not calculated.

The fact that this issue happened simultaneously on both your devices is proof that this is a hardware issue with your headband physical contact.

I've heard from a number of people who have had this issue and all have fixed the problem with cleaning and/or better headband position. You may find you need to be a little more aggressive with cleaning the pads.

Regarding the battery, there is a switch "Show Battery" in settings. When on, the battery will show all the time, when off the battery level is only shown when the battery is low.
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Re: horseshoe indicator

Post by Marias »

thank you for a quick response. More agressive cleaning actually solved the problem! the electrodes look very fragile, that's why i tried to be rather more careful with them. Thank you for your help!
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