Got negative results while testing this.

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Got negative results while testing this.

Post by emilymn »

While using muse and mpnitoring with mind monitor I got negative numbers on all brainwaves, except alpha.

Anyone knows what it means?
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Re: Got negative results while testing this.

Post by James »

The fact that the number is negative doesn't mean anything in particular, it's just a very low value.
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Re: Got negative results while testing this.

Post by emilymn »

Ok, sorry I am very confused because the brainwaves are given in db (which I connect with sound), so when all the waves are negative 10-20db, is that equal to lowering your brain activity to a "delta state"? (I've mostly learned about brainwaves from dr joe dispenza's books).
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Re: Got negative results while testing this.

Post by James »

If everything else except Delta is low, then this would be high relative Delta, as relative to the other waves Delta would be "high".

E.g. if Delta was -10 and Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Theta were all -100, then relatively Delta is "high".

With that said, it's pretty unusual to have many values being negative, you might want to check your RAW data to make sure you have a good connection. For good data you should only have a 50-100 variance between high and low values. In the live view, you want thin crisp lines with large spikes only when you blink, like this screenshot:
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Re: Got negative results while testing this.

Post by emilymn »

Thank you for swift replies btw!

But yes, I've been using muse for a while, and testing it while in different states of meditation and so on. I've downloaded several apps, and feel that I have an ok understanding of it, which is why I was a bit shocked to see all the numbers drop to negatives.

I'm a physics student, and am above average curious about things. So this time I asked if a friend could wear it while we were talking, he was watching different tv shows, music and so on.. while I measured the data and took notes.

It was when he closed his eyes, and I put on chill music, getting more and more relaxing in genre. It only took about 5-10 minutes before the numbers suddenly dropped though.. I recorded it on my screen, and took screenshots. I also "activated" him with a spice girls song again, and the numbers went up again.
We did this a couple of times, and put the muse headband on myself to make sure it wasn't defect, but my numbers were normal.

At a point his numbers showed:
Delta: -13,2db
Theta: -23,6db
Alpha: -6,0db
Beta: -5,5db
Gamma: -17,8db
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Re: Got negative results while testing this.

Post by James »

I'm curious also. Do you have a recording you can email me to look at?
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Re: Got negative results while testing this.

Post by emilymn »

I am so annoyed at myself rt, but no, I don't.
I recorded the screen on my phone as I gave my friend the ''news'' of what was happening, but you can't really see much from it, except from the low numbers (The screen that gives realtime brainwaves in db) and the headband loosing connectivity as he was moving to see my screen.
So pretty useless.

I got so excited and was so focused on asking him what was happening in his head, and putting on different songs etc. that I simply forgot.

I was sure that I would find the answers online later on, but I can't find anything.
And as I mentioned, given that the unit is in db, I don't really understand it.
I do remember the frequency on one of the pages was above the 4th line.

We had been testing things for 3 hours at this point, so I had noticed how this was usually high when he was happy (Watching comedy shows etc), and low when he was watching something somber.

I had also noticed how the waves in db reacted on sharp background noise at TV, but not the base sounds.

So somehow he was at a higher frequenzy, but low db and the same time. That has to be some kind of state of being?
Do you have any idea at all what this means?
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Re: Got negative results while testing this.

Post by James »

I'm not sure without looking at the data sorry.
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