Head band sensitivity

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Head band sensitivity

Post by Rnm2303 »

The graphic does not show total connectivity even when original Muse app says you are connected and can begin a session. It never perfectly lit all sensors even with many attempts, all the while I was connected perfectly on the other app. Any thing I should do or does this require an update?
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Re: Head band sensitivity

Post by mactonio »

Same here, no way to "see" all 5 sensor, only the frontal one is correctly shown.
The headband is correctly sensing waves because switching to the original app (yes every time closing the other one), results that the muse app is sensing each sensor correctly.
Can you please solve or tell us if you are trying to solve this issue?
it is occurring both on iOS 9.2.1 and 9.3
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Re: Head band sensitivity

Post by James »

The Muse Monitor HSI (horse shoe indicator) shows the true connection you are getting from your sensors. Interaxon's app uses a smoothing algorithm which hides bad connectivity to a certain extent, provided you are getting good data from other sensors.

Personally, I have found that the best way to get good sensors contact, is to moisten the sensors slightly with a wet finger before putting on the headband. You will notice that sensor contact is a lot worse on very dry days and this trick really helps with conductivity.
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