Feature Request: Delayed Recording

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Feature Request: Delayed Recording

Post by klepper »

Still loving the app. You know what would be an awesome option? Delayed Recording. Just like some option you can turn on that will start the recording in 15 seconds.

Every single recording has a spike at the first, then simmers down, because your eyes are open and moving and then your body is moving (putting the phone down, etc.) So the phone has "bad" (irrelevant) accelerometer and gyro and brain wave data. If we were just given even 15 seconds to put the phone down, close eyes, get situated, the data would be cleaner.

Also the same spike happens at the end too. Even worse at the end because you open your eyes, start to move, find your phone, pick up your phone look at it, orient the phone, then turn it off. etc.

I just think it would be useful to have an option to cut off the first and last 15 seconds of data, so the data, when analyzed, is just truer and cleaner.

Yes, yes, I know I could just go into excel and delete all that data each time. But if ALL the recordings have this problem (when/if you are doing this solo - which I suspect is the majority) I think the option would be useful to turn on or off if desired.
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Re: Feature Request: Delayed Recording

Post by James »

I can't cut off the last 15 seconds because it'll already be written to the file. I'll have a think about delaying the start.. I'm worried that there are already an overwhelming number of options in the settings already though!
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Re: Feature Request: Delayed Recording

Post by klepper »

yeah, there are already a lot of options to already customize for sure. Maybe it's just me that 100% of my sessions ALL have that "problem" in the start.
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It's not bad data it's just the mechanics of getting situated, hitting record, putting down the phone, moving, etc.

My ignorance is overwhelming on this topic, and I know it's wickedly complex to add features and such to apps. Just a thought. Maybe I'm the only one that notices this, etc.
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Re: Feature Request: Delayed Recording

Post by Asareere »

Inspite of numerous setting, delayed start would prove very useful. an useful option among the others will be seen as annoying. Else we can group the options under each category like all streaming related into one main menu streaming and individual options as sub menu.
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Re: Feature Request: Delayed Recording

Post by benislocated »

If there were a feature bounty, this would have my vote.

(For an example of what a feature bounty means, see https://www.bountysource.com/ or https://issuehunt.io/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-source_bounty)
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Re: Feature Request: Delayed Recording

Post by Se7en »

Thumbs up from me as well
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