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Problem with real time neurofeedback system

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2024 8:02 am
by ojjjasdkpdk
Problem with real time neurofeedback system

I am trying to play a beep sound for 0.5s after the classifier predicts prediction == [1](Mind Wandering), then waits for 4 seconds.
However, when it predicts prediction == [1]:, it keeps giving me a beep sound without waiting for 4 seconds. I tried with other numbers, but the same thing happens. My classifier is working and only gives prediction == [1] when it needs to.

Your help is appreciated. Thank you so much.

Code: Select all

def abs_handler(address: str, *args):
    global abs_waves, last_sound_time
    wave = args[0][0]
    elif len(args) == 5:
        for i in range(4):
            abs_waves[wave].append(args[i + 1])

    if all(len(abs_wave) > 40 for abs_wave in abs_waves):
        new_data = [abs_wave[-40:] for abs_wave in abs_waves]
        features = extract_features(new_data)
        prediction = classifier.predict([features])
        if prediction == [1]:
            os.system('afplay -t 0.5 B.mp3')
Here is my dispatcher

Code: Select all"/muse/elements/delta_absolute", abs_handler,0)"/muse/elements/theta_absolute", abs_handler,1)"/muse/elements/alpha_absolute", abs_handler,2)"/muse/elements/beta_absolute", abs_handler,3)"/muse/elements/gamma_absolute", abs_handler,4)