Frequent bad fit messages

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Frequent bad fit messages

Post by Sturu »

Hi All,

I have the Muse S and yesterday I was able to record a 40-minute meditation with only one Bad Fit message. This morning I want to track my brain while I work quietly at the computer, but the horseshoe appears regularly. Does this indicate a bad fit each time it appears? When the horseshoe appears, the temporal contacts are shown as outlined (not filled) which I assume indicates the issue arises there. I tried adding more water between my ears and my scalp and to the Muse itself, but this didn't seem to help. Do I have to shave the hair off the side of my head to get a reliably good fit?

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Re: Frequent bad fit messages

Post by James »

Yes. Each time the horseshoe pops up, it means you do not have a good fit. If you find this distracting you can enable the horseshoe to show all the time in settings.
It's not water you want for a good connection, it's electrically conductive salty sweat. Water helps to start that if you have dry skin, but putting on too much will wash away the sweat.
Shaving your head will 100% help, but shouldn't be necessary ;-)
Switch to the RAW EEG view and adjust the headset until you have thin crisp lines with spikes only when you blink. I recommend making small adjustments and then waiting 10-20 seconds for the conductive sweat barrier to form.
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