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Help Understanding my Delta Waves

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:47 pm
by Coolhandsfluke
I wore my muse S (2g) while working this afternoon. And I’m concerned with why my Delta waves are so high. I’ve been diagnosed with narcolepsy. But for the past 9 months I’ve been suffering chronic fatigue and severe brain fog to the point that 60mg adderall IR doesn’t do much, if anything.

Is a high delta wave like this while awake and working a cause for concern. Circadian Rhythm Disorder?

Just look for some direction and I’ll go to a medical professional.

Re: Help Understanding my Delta Waves

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:07 pm
by James
High Delta while awake usually means that you don't have the Muse fitted correctly. What you're seeing as Delta is more likely EMG (muscle movement) interference.
Usually you would have to look at the RAW EEG signal to diagnose this, but I can see that across your entire graph you have "J" markers, which are for "Jaw Clench". So either you're constantly clenching your jaw, or more likely the Muse just isn't getting a good electrode connection.

Re: Help Understanding my Delta Waves

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:13 pm
by Coolhandsfluke
Wow, thanks for a quick reply. I do clench my jaw a lot because of the adderall. But I noticed that even subtle movements would cause the sensors behind the ears to not register. Never have this issue with the Muse app, only Mind Monitor.

Attached is the raw data. Do you recommend I try this in a different scenario? Like sitting still watching TV?

Re: Help Understanding my Delta Waves

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:45 pm
by James
The Muse calm app is designed to help you relax. If it bleeped every time you lost a sensor for a bit, it would spoil the relaxation experience. You can even put a bit of paper in-between a sensor and your head and it will continue.
Mind Monitor on the other hand is all about the data ;-)
On the RAW EEG graph you want to try and get as little variance as possible. Switch to it on the live view on the app and you will see that you get large spikes when you blink. This is from the muscle movement. Try to get the RAW EEG as flat as possible for good brainwave signals. Clenching your jaw at all will spoil the results, sorry.

Re: Help Understanding my Delta Waves

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 10:50 pm
by Coolhandsfluke
That makes perfect sense. How long of a recording should I make?

You’re right, this RAW data view is extremely sensitive. You’re a huge help and I sincerely appreciate your time and support with this!

Re: Help Understanding my Delta Waves

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:43 pm
by James
I believe most people record their meditation for about 30 minutes.