OSC and LSL together in a chain

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OSC and LSL together in a chain

Post by PetNoc »

Hi All,

Has any one get a proven working recipe to make the following chain:

Muse -> Mind Monitor (save file with all the data and stream via OSC) -> OSC server (re-stream via LSL) -> LSL Labrecorder

I need the Labrecorder at the end of the chain to collect events generate by pressing WeeMote buttons (I have this working already).
Pressing MindMonitor's Marker buttons on a mobile require lots of muscle and eye activity which generates noise/artefacts while many WiiMote buttons
are accessible by a thumb without even need to move your hand.
And I do not want to bypass MindMonitor and use python scripts instead as it brilliant for a quick overview of the various waves power spectrum (pitty the AUX is excluded here).

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Re: OSC and LSL together in a chain

Post by PetNoc »

oops, I just noticed that LSL is (was ?) on James' todo list ;-)
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Peter Gamma
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Re: OSC and LSL together in a chain

Post by Peter Gamma »

I am a physiologist with a long-term interest in live-streaming options for the Muse headband. For LSL and the Muse headband, there are already options available. When James Clutterbuck also is working on LSL, that is fine. I reviewed several options for live-streaming for physiological devices, and I became interested in MQTT an Home Assistant. I would not be suprised when many physiological sensors will be integrated into the Home Assistant platform sooner or later, which might become a new standard. It is already possible to export data from Garmin Connect to Home Assistant. The Polar Sensor Logger App from Jukka Happonen supports MQTT. MQTT has become an interesting option, it has a community which is alive, especially in the low-cost segment. When James Clutterbuck or someone else works on interfaces for the Muse headband or the Mind Monitor, please work on a MQTT interface, or on an interface to stream Mind Monitor data into Home Assistant.
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