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How to convert specific wave data in microvolts to decibals?

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 8:53 am
by darrellrodrick
Hello. I was referencing some academic literature and they labeled their EEG data in microvolts for each specific wave. So the levels of Theta or Alpha were measured in a microvolt instead of decibels. I want to compare to the data in mind monitor, which measures each wave in decibels. For example, they talk about absolute Delta activity measured at 17.1 μV2 (squared, not 2), absolute Theta as 21.1 μV2, etc. The mind monitor app does show microvolt data, but raw per each channel and not for each specific absolute or relative wave. In mind monitor absolute (and relative) wave data are shown in Dbs. I want to be able to compare/convert individual wave data measured in Db (for example, an absolute Delta wave in 70Db to individual absolute wave data measured in microvolts (an absolute delta wave in 17.1 μV2). How do I do that?

Re: How to convert specific wave data in microvolts to decibals?

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 11:44 am
by James
I don't know why they're using microvolts; That doesn't make any sense to me, sorry. After all the math you need to do, it's not microvolts any more.

Re: How to convert specific wave data in microvolts to decibals?

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 12:06 pm
by darrellrodrick
Lol, thanks for the quick reply. I was afraid it'd be that kind of situation (way too much math).