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Mind Mirror graph? Feature request

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 5:41 am
by AndrewChi
First of all I want to say a big thank you to James for this wonderful software.
The OSC capabilities are just awesome!!!

I came back to neurofeedback after a long break, after reading the famous book 'The Awakened Mind'.
In this book (from the 70ties), they are using a specially developed system called the 'Mind Mirror' for researching different 'brainstates'.

I can see much of the same information on the Mind Monitor app, but the way the Mind Mirror graphs the information is perhaps more clear to follow while meditating/experimenting.
It's more adapted towards spotting Left/Right brain-activity coherence. It used to be an analog system with arrays of LEDS, but there's also (an old) software version of it. You can see the data of the 2 hemispheres and the amount of bèta to delta waves in a vertical manner.
I think this is far more relax to look at while meditating/concentrating.

I wonder if it would be possible to integrate this style of graphing in a future update of Mind Monitor. I really think this could be a great help in the practice of controlling the brain.
I think it's pretty clear in the attached picture what's going on!!

Thank you in advance for even considering this :-)

All the best!!

Re: Mind Mirror graph? Feature request

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:06 am
by James
I add that a while ago, it's just under the main graph ;-)
Screenshot 2021-12-16 100417.jpg
Screenshot 2021-12-16 100417.jpg (58.83 KiB) Viewed 832 times

Re: Mind Mirror graph? Feature request

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:19 am
by AndrewChi
Whoa that's great news!!! 100% what I'm looking for!!
But.... where exactly can I find it?
Is it on the website?
I'm looking for it on the ipad...
As far I can see, the graphing on the website is for recordings rather than realtime?

I'm sorry if I'm asking super noob questions... just getting into this :-)


Re: Mind Mirror graph? Feature request

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 12:31 pm
by James
Record your session with the Red Dot record button, then you can view it on the website graph viewer:

I highly recommend using Dropbox to sync your recordings to a Mac/PC to view the graphs on a big screen.