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Gamma Wave Frequencies

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 12:29 am
by brian719
Hi James,
Lately I am primarily observing my brainwaves using your discrete frequency view.

FYI: I was meditating to binaural beats and the targeted frequencies did not spike for me. Listening to classical music makes the monitor dance at all frequencies.

My question is related to the black colored area 42Hz- 66Hz. I read that some count that as gamma (your gold color). Do you agree? If not, how do you describe this frequency range?

Also, I have a huge (3+) spike at 60Hz. Any ideas what that means?


Re: Gamma Wave Frequencies

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 9:32 am
by James
What frequency range denotes which brainwave depends on who you ask. Interaxon (the makers of the Muse) have decided that for them, Gamma is 30Hz to 44Hz, but other organizations draw the lines differently. It only really matters that you are consistent across your research. I don't believe there is an ISO standard for brainwaves frequency groupings (yet!) ;-)

If you want to calculate an alternative "Gamma" using a larger range, you can do that using Mind Monitor's streaming or recording function to perform your own FFTs on the RAW EEG.

Regarding the 60Hz spike, this is powerline noise and tells me that you're likely based in North America and standing near electrical equipment like a floor lamp :-)

Re: Gamma Wave Frequencies

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 10:13 am
by brian719
Thanks, James. I am in North America and surrounded by powerlines :shock:
I am glad (I think) it the spike is not emanating from my brain!