Invalid Date

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Invalid Date

Post by abdnflmtz »

Hello.. I have an issue with online graphing. So, I was trying to filter the CSV data in Excel so it will be a better data. But after you save it and try it graphing online, the web says "Invalid date detected: "05:19.8". Dates should be in the format: "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.sss. Did you edit this file in Excel?". How can I solve this? Another fact is even if you dont do anything with the data in excel but you just save it, the message is still appear. I have change my date and time setting in the format as requested, it didn't do anyting.
Please help.

Regards, Mumtaz
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Re: Invalid Date

Post by James »

In the original file the timestamp has the full "year-month-day hour:minute:second.microsecond".
With Excel's defaults it saves over this with just the "hour:minute:second", wiping out most of the data, so you need the original file. There's no way to undo it, sorry.

If you want to make graphs in Excel, I would recommend doing "Save As" and saving it as a separate .XLSX file, then you will always have the clean original.
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Re: Invalid Date

Post by abdnflmtz »

So this is how I open the CSV file without comma separator (;) setting in my windows VS with comma separator (,) setting in my windows.
As you can see the file with (;) separator is showing full date and time template, whether the file with comma (,) separator is only showing time.
Any advice?

Thank you

NB : I don't do anything to the file just change the separator setting in my windows
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Re: Invalid Date

Post by James »

If you want to see/preserve the full data time in Excel

* Open the original file
* Select the TimeStamp column
* Right Click and select "Format Cells"
* Under "Number" select "Custom"
* Enter "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000"

Note however, that you need to do this every time you open the CSV in Excel, as CSV files only store data and not formatting information.
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Re: Invalid Date

Post by MaverickNH »

That works!

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