Muse SDK and libMuse

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Muse SDK and libMuse

Post by Searcher63 »

Dear James,

Do you know where we can get the Muse SDK and libMuse files. I attempted to download them from the Muse-Developer site but it says they are not safe to download and my MAc forbids the download.


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Re: Muse SDK and libMuse

Post by James »

Sorry, Interaxon deleted them. Even if you could get them, you can't develop with them as the licence agreement requires their permission to use the SDK, and they have withdrawn that permission.
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Re: Muse SDK and libMuse

Post by chiquitar »

Hi James; my apologies for what might be a foolish question, but it seems as though the retraction could threaten your ability to use the Muse devices with your app, although you are clearly still up and running with it at the moment and it's been some time. I am considering ordering the Muse S Gen2 for use with Android and feel like I might be unhappy with it if I can't use your app with it. What are the chances that the sdk retraction will cause problems with Mind Monitor within the next year, or do you have an exception agreed upon with Muse that protects your app moving forward?

I just hate purchasing a product and then having key features like data access yoinked when support ends suddenly or to be put behind a subscription/paywall. Trying to predict how likely this device is to bum me out as it ages lol
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Re: Muse SDK and libMuse

Post by James »

I'm still paying Interaxon monthly fees to use their SDK. When they took down the dev site, they stopped offering the SDK to new people. People who already have agreements in place like myself are still fine to use it.

Regardless of that, Mind Monitor will never stop working. The SDK is completely contained within the app code and doesn't send or receive any data from Interaxon, so even if they go out of business and all their websites and cloud goes down, Mind Monitor will still work just fine.
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Re: Muse SDK and libMuse

Post by chiquitar »

Oh that's great to hear! I will be joining the bandwagon ASAP then, looking forward to it. I am very grateful you have done the work on Mind Monitor--can hardly wait to mess around with it. Interested to record one of my ketamine treatments.
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