Repeatedly cannot get clean RAW data

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Repeatedly cannot get clean RAW data

Post by lightinmyshadow »

Hi James,

This is frustrating the hell out of me and I'd really love your input/suggestions...

I just got my second Muse 2 a few days ago. My first Muse 2 had no issues until TP9 sensor stopped working 13 months in. So I got a new one. This brand spanking new one repeatedly has awful business going on in the RAW on either the TP9 or TP10 sensor. So much so I cannot use the session. I've tested it out around 20 times in the last few days troubleshooting EVERYTHING...disconnecting/reconnecting bluetooth, using two different phones (android and iphone - same result), resetting the Muse to factory settings, cleaning both my skin and the sensors vigorously (but the Muse is brand new so it's not that). I'm not creating any muscle tension or movement - nothing aside from occasional light blinks. ONE time out of 20 I got a 12 minute clean RAW session (so it is possible ;))

It looks like EMF contamination from wifi/electrical devices in my house, but even switching everything off isn't fixing it and I didn't have an EMF issue with my last Muse. The RAW looks clean before I begin recording, but as I'm recording SOMETHING is happening to contaminate my RAW data.

Please shed some light on this....I've attached an image of what it looks like. And thank you :)
forum post RAW pic.png
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Re: Repeatedly cannot get clean RAW data

Post by James »

Aside from EMG (muscle movement interference); Getting a good signal is purely about good electrical contact.
In the case of the ear electrodes TP9 and TP10, this means getting all hair out of the way, and increasing the skin pressure against the back of the ear by tightening the band.

Regarding the screenshot, your session above looks good after 2:23!
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Re: Repeatedly cannot get clean RAW data

Post by lightinmyshadow »

Thank you for your reply....last night I realized I can delete these artifacts from the CSV file - clean it right up and get a beautiful seems sneaky tho haha but it’s not is it? It’s simply removing tainted data and to get an accurate clean brainwave graph...think this is what EEG technicians do too...

Of course I’d rather have a clean session to begin with. But failing that I can clean it up....just curious what your thoughts are on whether this is ok or would the session still be ‘compromised’?
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Re: Repeatedly cannot get clean RAW data

Post by James »

You can truncate the data if you just want to look at part of it, say from 2:23 onwards. You don't need to edit the data file to do that, you can just zoom in/out on the graph and pan over it in the online viewer.
If you're talking about editing out specific bad spikes in the data, then no, I wouldn't recommend doing that. You can do whatever you like, aesthetically, but cutting out bad RAW EEG won't magically make your calculated Absolute values correct. They'll still be bad also.
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Re: Repeatedly cannot get clean RAW data

Post by lightinmyshadow »

Ok cool, I’ll give it a go! you’ve been an awesome help - thanks James 🤩
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