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No input in MuseLab

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 4:34 pm
by mgagno42
Hi James, I am using Mind Monitor (Android) and am trying to stream raw data into MuseLab on my PC.
I set the app with my IP adress and activated the streaming button, then in MuseLab I opened a 5000 port with UDP but there is no input.

What am I doing wrong?

Re: No input in MuseLab

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 4:35 pm
by James
* Have you set up any views? By default, Muse Lab doesn't have anything set up to display.
* Have you opened your firewall? It may be blocking all the incoming traffic.

Re: No input in MuseLab

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 1:49 pm
by mgagno42
I did set up a configuration view that I downloaded on the website, so I see empty plots for Raw, Absolute, Gyro and Accelerometer.

I opened my firewall for UDP 5000, still nothing, the white square below "Incoming messages" remains empty.

Re: No input in MuseLab

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 2:10 pm
by James
Make sure you have the correct Local IP for your PC set as the target in Mind Monitor. It will likely be, or
Make sure your phone is on the same network. For example, if you phone is on the 5G WiFi and your PC is on 2.4G WiFi they likely won't be able to see each other.

Note that if you are using a University/College WiFi network, then they may be blocking UDP traffic entirely as back in the 90's a lot of games used UDP networking and blocking UDP sped up the network! Some office WiFi networks also block UDP. Check with your IT staff to see if this is the case.

As easy test to see if networking is the problem is to run a hotspot on your Android phone, then connect your PC directly to it. I've used this successfully in the past to demo Mind Monitor when at events with no local WiFi.