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The online graphs averages per minute. Is there any way to average per second?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 9:37 pm
by musemonkey
I'm new to the muse and I'm wondering if I could get a little more detailed graph without doing the "all data points" one, because that one is just too much data. I'm wondering if there is a way to get the averages per second, and if there isn't, my suggestion is to add an "average seconds" option on the mind monitor graph page!

I have tried doing the excel route, but it processes SO slow that it's not worth it for me.

Re: The online graphs averages per minute. Is there any way to average per second?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 9:49 pm
by James
The default for Mind Monitor is to record data every second, so the "all data points" option actually does show seconds.
Additionally, if you've recorded your data at 256Hz (using the "Recording Interval" : "Constant" option) and you've got a large file, the "all data points" option will show average seconds, in order to not overload the browser with too many data points on the graph.

Re: The online graphs averages per minute. Is there any way to average per second?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 10:04 pm
by musemonkey
Oh, totally did not know that, thank you for your response! If I do the 1s option in mind monitor, it will capture whatever the signal is at each second, and not average 256 values, right? Is there any benefit to doing the constant/256hz option? It's so much bigger, but would I be better off just doing every second?

Re: The online graphs averages per minute. Is there any way to average per second?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 9:57 am
by James
The only reason to capture 256Hz EEG data is if you want to do your own FFT analysis of the data in MatLAB.

If you're not doing that, keep the "Recording Interval" at "1 Sec", otherwise you're just making your recording files 256 times bigger for no reason ;-)