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Problem with format of downloaded data

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 5:36 am
by jensbedi

I have problem to run the Macro, because of the data in csv. file downloaded form Mind Monitor is propably in wrong format. I have Excel on Mac (Big Sur) and when I open the csv. from zip the data is in first coloumn (A).. The data is not in separate coloumns like in the video (A,B,C,D...). So your Macro doesent work and it is always ends with lag (stop) of working whole excel.

Thank you for advice.



Re: Problem with format of downloaded data

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 9:47 am
by James
I would recommend using the online charts rather than the Excel macro. It's way more powerful and charts everything in one click:

On some European versions of Excel, CSV files (which stands for Comma Separated Values), are set to use a semi colon instead of a comma as the number separator character, and a comma as the decimal separator symbol.

You should be able to change this in your system regional settings, but I'm not sure how to do that on a Mac.

Another option is to use the button "Data -> Text to Columns" to fix the data after you open it.