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About OSC streaming

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:12 pm
by KHNK-Kohei2
Hi, I'm a dance artist and trying to send Mind Monitor data to MuseLab in Windows 10 by using OSC streaming.
I referred to some other person's information and trying to connect, but still, it's not shown.

*It looks like some information is receiving in windows 10, but no information appears in Muse Lab.
*I'm using the config data you uploaded.
*I don't know the detail about Museplayer, but I tried the command and nothing showed up.
"muse-player.exe -f musedata.muse -s osc.udp://localhost:5000" in cmd.
*Nothing happened when I click OSC monitor in windows.

I'm using MUSE1,Windows10,iphone6.
I'm glad to hear if you have any advice and make clear my understanding. I wonder if I can get the next Musedirect...
Sorry, some image is contained Japanese, but I guess it'll help.
Thank you so much.

Re: About OSC streaming

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:17 pm
by James
Try turning off the firewall, or adding a rule to allow incoming UDP:5000 traffic.
Note that some school/university networks block UDP traffic. In this case you will need to ask your IT department to unblock it.