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Raw datatypes

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 10:05 pm
by cnolan
Hi again, another question regarding the protocol buffer format. When I read a .muse file written by Mind Monitor, the EEG samples come with the datatype EEG, but all others come as datatype ANNOTATION with the rest of the type information in the event_data field. This is fairly easily parsable, but I'm just wondering if this is intended behaviour when there are structures specifically for the other datatypes (e.g. accelerometer / gyro)?

Re: Raw datatypes

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 10:30 pm
by James

Re: Raw datatypes

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:05 am
by cnolan
Interesting. The protocol buffer spec does seem odd, but I assumed that accelerometer data would use Datatype.ACCEL and the message as here:

Code: Select all

// Accelerometer values are stored as milli-G's
message Accelerometer {
    extend MuseData {
        optional Accelerometer museData = 10;
    optional float acc1 = 1; // forward_back
    optional float acc2 = 2; // up_down
    optional float acc3 = 3; // left_right
But then there is no equivalent for gyro anyway, so I guess at least it's consistent! :)