Mental Workload Study
Re: Mental Workload Study
For a mental workload study, what do you think is the ideal time (in minutes) that one should be wearing the Muse 2 that is recorded by Mind Monitor to produce accurate results? Is there a minimum time that you personally prefer?
Re: Mental Workload Study
It depends on the skin conditions. If you have perfect moisture levels then, zero time. Check the raw eeg after placing the muse and wait until there is under 50uV of min/max variance as a general rule.
Re: Mental Workload Study
Hello James, I have a question, how do you "normalize" data in EEG?
Re: Mental Workload Study
Normalizing RAW EEG means shifting the data set values so that the average min and average max are either side of zero.
Re: Mental Workload Study
How would this (shifting the data set values so that the average min and average max are either side of zero) be performed? Do you have any tips?
Also, does utilizing relative brain wave constitute or equal to a "normalized" data? Or do I still need something additional to perform?
Also, does utilizing relative brain wave constitute or equal to a "normalized" data? Or do I still need something additional to perform?
Re: Mental Workload Study
Get the average and then subtract that from every value.
Calculating relative waves from absolutes is a different function for a different purpose.
Calculating relative waves from absolutes is a different function for a different purpose.