turn off muse-s light
turn off muse-s light
I got the Muse-S and want to record my sleeping brainwaves using Mind Monitor. Unfortunately the orange light annoys not only me, but my wife. I can not find a setting to turn this off and I'm not sure if James has enough magic to do this without the help of the muse people. I posted to their forum and I'm posting here to see if there is a solution other than black tape.
Re: turn off muse-s light
Black tape is the only solution currently, sorry!
Re: turn off muse-s light
I was also wondering about this.
I know MuseLSL has a command you can use to disable the lights, so it should be doable. Maybe something similar could be added to Mind Monitor's options settings.
I know MuseLSL has a command you can use to disable the lights, so it should be doable. Maybe something similar could be added to Mind Monitor's options settings.
Re: turn off muse-s light
As of 2022-10-29 Mind Monitor turns off the light when recording/streaming.