Failure to export files/readings

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Failure to export files/readings

Post by Eyvah_Ehyeh »

I just got Mind Monitor and haven't been able to export files to dropbox, gmail, or other places. I just get the message "couldn't export" or "didn't find file", and that's that - no way I can see to even recover the data. Am I missing something?
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Re: Failure to export files/readings

Post by James »

Are you using an Apple or Android device? Can you please include a screenshot of the error.
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Re: Failure to export files/readings

Post by Eyvah_Ehyeh »

I'm on android, Xiaomi Red 8. Here I tried exporting to gmail and dropbox.
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Re: Failure to export files/readings

Post by James »

Did you gave Mind Monitor the permission to access files when it was first run?
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Re: Failure to export files/readings

Post by Eyvah_Ehyeh »

Don't remember, probably, but settings says the permission is there.
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Re: Failure to export files/readings

Post by James »

Please first try turning the permission on and off, then if that has no effect, please un-install and re-install, then it will prompt you again for the permission.
When recording the app uses the default downloads folder to store files, so that is what the permission is for.
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Re: Failure to export files/readings

Post by Eyvah_Ehyeh »

Okey so it doesn't work, but I've found a workaround with the help of the app "File Commander", so that now I can grab the files there and manually add them to my dropbox. But I read something about syncing my dropbox to Mind Monitor?

I also feel totally lost as my computer skills aren't very good. What I want to be able to do is look at the mind monitor data on my computer, both live, and after the fact. The csv excel files that I upload to the graphing client only gives me pictures, correct? So it is Muse Lab I must use for my purposes, right? I've tried syncing to Muse Lab according to some instructions where I should find the "Muse IO" in the same folder as the Muse Lab, but I cannot find it. Now I've tried connecting my Muse S (gen 2) through the bluetooth file manager where I find it (as MuseS-6E05), but I cannot for the life of me connect to it. So what's left?

I've also set my "OSC Target IP" in Mind Monitor settings to the Local IP of my receiving computer, Muse Lab is set to receive on UDP port 5000, and I've turned of my firewall entirely. Muse Lab still doesn't show any signs of life when I stream from Mind Monitor. But I do not understand the first thing about python and github - are there more steps I need to do to connect my Muse S to Mind Lab?
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Re: Failure to export files/readings

Post by James »

#1 - First lets fix your syncing problem.
  • Install the Dropbox app on your Android phone. Sign into it.
  • Install Dropbox on your Mac/PC. Sign into it.
  • Hit the Red dot record button in Mind Monitor to start recording
  • Press the White square stop button to stop recording
  • You will now see a list of programs that support handling your recording file
  • Select Dropbox from that list
  • Pick the place in Dropbox to save your recording
  • Wait for Dropbox to upload the recording
  • Once uploaded, you can now close Mind Monitor
  • Dropbox will automatically sync the file from your phone to your Mac/PC
#2 - Viewing your data.
You can view your CSV files in Excel if you want to see and manipulate the actual numbers, or graph them using the online charts here:

Muse Lab is Interaxon's deprecated tool for viewing live streaming data. Note that it will only display the exact same data as Mind Monitor, it doesn't do anything else. It doesn't allow any control of the data, it's just to view the streaming data from a Muse, nothing else. You don't need Muse IO or anything else to use it. You just run Muse Lab and the press the stream button in Mind Monitor to send the data over. It's mainly useful for universities where the professor wants to show the live streaming data from multiple Muse's on a single screen.

Muse Lab needs some configuring. First you must open your firewall to allow UDP 5000 traffic to come in, then you must set up each graph type that you want to display using the Vizualisers drop down menu and adding each data view separately. You also need to specifically set Muse Lab to listen to UDP 5000 each time you run it, through the Incomming OSC tab.. It's a real pain! This is likely why you have a blank screen in Muse Lab. For a quick easy set up of the most common graphs, load in this config file to get it all set up:

If you want to do you own manipulation of the data in real time, then that is when you should be using the python code examples.
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Re: Failure to export files/readings

Post by Eyvah_Ehyeh »

I've put this aside and thought I'd go to the bottom of this now. :) So I followed your instructions and a guide for opening ports, and I still get nothing into MuseLab. Furthermore, there is still the same problem as before in that I can't export files to for example dropbox because Mind Monitor says "file not found". Now it doesn't even work with the workaround I found before via File Commander!

Any ideas?
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Re: Failure to export files/readings

Post by James »

What version of Android are you running and what version of the app are you using?
v2.3.1 released at the of Oct 2022 had some updates for Android 13 permissions.
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