MQTT support for Mind Monitor app?

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Peter Gamma
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MQTT support for Mind Monitor app?

Post by Peter Gamma »

MQTT support allows sensor streaming to Matlab or Python, which both offer support for it. MQTT offers support for the free and open source Influx data base. More and more apps have MQTT support, as for instance the Polar sensor logger app. Integration of sensor data from different apps on the .csv path is tricky. MQTT and Influx data base is a path which was designed to solve this problem. The Mind Monitor app has the option for OCS streaming. Is it possible to redirect the OCS stream to an MQTT stream?
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Peter Gamma
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Re: MQTT support for Mind Monitor app?

Post by Peter Gamma »

To get to the point: I miss MQTT support, as in the Polar Sensor Logger app from Jukka Happonen, Senior Specialist at Polar Electro Oy Research Center, for MATLAB, Python, Influx dataDB, Grafana as well as support for other applications via MQTT brocker, InfluxDB and InfluxDB client for MATLAB and Python, for an easy and contemporary data streaming and processing option. To export data from Mind Monitor via .CSV and import again to MATLAB, Python and other applications is not a convincing solution for the year 2021 :idea:.
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Peter Gamma
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Re: MQTT support for Mind Monitor app?

Post by Peter Gamma »

The same applies to Open Sound Control, otherwise known as OSC, developed by the UC Berkeley Centre for New Music and Audio Technology and released in 2002 :roll:.
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Peter Gamma
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Re: MQTT support for Mind Monitor app?

Post by Peter Gamma »

Sorry for my monologue here, but I think the topic is important. I have put a list of sensors which are of interest for me personally on my website: ... h-studies/

To get data from different sensors into one database is a lot of work. MQTT as a standard interface for all Android sensor app would be very helpful to make things easier.
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