Has the way Mind Monitor calculates brain activity changed recently?

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Has the way Mind Monitor calculates brain activity changed recently?

Post by lightinmyshadow »

Hi James!

Quick question. I record my brainwaves and graph the results, which are generally fairly consistent (unless my Muse is degrading which has happened on a few occasions). I've been doing this for over 20 months so I'm very familiar with what's 'normal' for me.

In the last approximately 2 weeks these results have changed. Not massively, but enough for me to definitely notice a difference, and chucking a spanner in my project. Most notably in the AF values, in all brainwave types. No real change in TPs. RAW data is clean.

Just curious if the way Mind Monitor calculates brain activity has changed at all over the last few weeks? I also notice on my Mind monitor images now there's a 'C' for connected and "d" for disconnected which never used to be there. The only reason I mention this, is it's telling me something has been updated.

My current Muse 2 is only 7 months old so it better not be time for a new Muse again :shock:

Thank you kindly and looking forward to your response!
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Re: Has the way Mind Monitor calculates brain activity changed recently?

Post by James »

I've not changed anything to do with brainwave calcs.
The v2.3.0 iPhone update released on Feb 1st has the following changes:

* Updated: Dropbox (with support for Google Authentication).
* Added: Muse headband name/model displayed in settings.
* Added: Zip64 support for recordings over 4GB.
* Added: Muse headband name logged with connection events when recording/streaming.
* Added: Left and Right Aux for Muse S.
* Changed: CSV file only contains columns for sensors on the detected Muse model rather than all possible sensors.
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Re: Has the way Mind Monitor calculates brain activity changed recently?

Post by lightinmyshadow »

Thanks James, that's a great help :)
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