Dropbox playback

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Dropbox playback

Post by quarinteen »

Is there a way to playback the recording sent to drop box? It would be nice if there was an app for the iPhone to do so. I would like to be able to fast forward and rewind though a session that may be an hour or more longer.
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Re: Dropbox playback

Post by James »

You can view the recordings online here: https://mind-monitor.com/Chart.php
You can zoom in on a section and pan through using the mouse wheel/pinch zoom on a touch screen.

There is an "animate" checkbox on the chart which does a delayed load, sort of a like a playback thing, but it's more for fun. There's no pause/rewind, sorry!
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Re: Dropbox playback

Post by quarinteen »

Awesome thank you
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Re: Dropbox playback

Post by quarinteen »

I get an error on all the ones I try to load. Do you have any plans to incorporate this into the mind monitor app or a separate mobile app?

“13 Bad Fit (BF) data markers found; This recording may be bad. While this session was recorded the data quality dropped below the minimum requirements. This is shown in the chart with the marker "BF" for "Bad Fit". When data quality is restored you will see "GF" for "Good Fit". You may also see "J" for "Jaw Clench" which also indicates an area of bad data quality. Ideally, for good data quality you want your RAW EEG to have only a 50uV difference between the minimum and maximum values, with large spikes only when blinking. This is shown in this screenshot”
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Re: Dropbox playback

Post by James »

I think the error message speaks for itself, sorry! You've not got good sensor contact.

The problem with keeping recordings on the device is that it will quickly fill up all your storage space if I did that, and then I would have to build in a bunch of management options to delete specific recordings etc.. Making the app way more complex.

Interaxon keep all brainwave data on their cloud storage system, which gets around this, but I do not want to have to have access to potentially thousands of peoples personal data like this, which is why I chose to let people download all their brainwave data to their own devices via Dropbox etc.
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