Dream Induction Study using Mind Monitor

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Dream Induction Study using Mind Monitor

Post by mikalus »

I'm interested in developing techniques for 'on demand' 'dream induction' -> 'lucid dreaming' (eventually).
Here is an example of a result obtained a few days ago using an external stimulus which was applied at irregular intervals in an attempt to induce 'dreaming'. The EEG was obtained using a Muse-S paired with a Galaxy A5 running James' Mind Monitor (thank you James).
The resultant .csv file was processed using a modified Excel macro (thanks again, James).
The apparent inverse relationship between the gamma trace and the other bands, esp. the delta trace, appears significant.
High gamma band ratios have been associated with a 'self-aware' dreaming state.
The subject was asleep from about 2:40 until ~6:00 AM, and did not wake in between. Several vivid dreams were recalled upon waking.
museMonitor_2021-01-10--02-32-21_3294038605151372658_W-123_A_01_600px.jpg (40.34 KiB) Viewed 1442 times

Anyone else interested in 'dreaming' and 'lucid dream' induction ?
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Re: Dream Induction Study using Mind Monitor

Post by JSC »

Muse23Feb2021.png (113.8 KiB) Viewed 1292 times
I am certainly interested in the subject. I'm using the Muse2 for tracking meditation (single point of focus style) and other mental practices. Here's a pic of 15 min of pranayama and focus, followed by intense visualization. Gamma and Beta immediately started climbing during the visualization, which is neat.

I think Beta always stays high during meditation because I'm not "putting my awareness on awareness," but rather deliberately focusing on one point. Or maybe I'm just bad at it.

I suspect that awareness meditation, more like vipassana, would drop the Beta and the Alpha would go higher. Haven't tried that yet.
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Re: Dream Induction Study using Mind Monitor

Post by jfesenko »

Hi mikalus,
I'm very much interested in lucid dream induction and that was one of the main reasons I purchased my Muse-S. I literally just got it today, so I'm just getting started with it, but one of my plans for it besides the usual neurofeedback, is to use it for two-way communication within lucid dream states. So, something like repeated eye movements used as a signal within lucid dream states that can be picked up by the device, and also (potentially) some sort of pulsed vibration during REM that might be able to induce lucidity. Feel free to contact me offline if you'd like to discuss further.

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Re: Dream Induction Study using Mind Monitor

Post by larryz »

I am also very insterested in lucid dreaming and meditation. Glad to see others here.

I learned 2 Chinese meditation method years ago, and when I do it, my beta and gamma both rise obviously. Thank James and muse to give me a chance to know that.

BTW, when I do meditation, my central line will vibrate from bottom to head top, around 90 times per minute meanwhile heart beat is around 60/min. Any other ones have similar experience?
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