Bad AF7 sensor on Muse S headband (?)

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Bad AF7 sensor on Muse S headband (?)

Post by Amiga-Freak »


recently I bought a Muse S headband and I'm using Mind Monitor with it. A few days ago I already wrote James an Email and I thought my problem is settled. But now I'm not so sure.

The problem is (still) the AF7 sensor, which gives very often a bad signal. I attached a screenshot from my smartphone - which is a VERY typical view of my raw data. It rarely gets better. Sometimes AF7 is as smooth as the others, but usually only for 10-20 seconds and then it reverts to the state in the screenshot.
Screenshot_20200722-191854.png (251.08 KiB) Viewed 4550 times

The following picture is the raw data of all sensors, from a 20 minute mediation session this afternoon.
index.png (170.38 KiB) Viewed 4550 times
And this here ist the what you get as "Absolute Brain Waves" from AF7 only.
index2.png (52.17 KiB) Viewed 4550 times
I'm not sure what to do. It is only AF7 which makes this kind of trouble. I'm thinking about returning my Muse S to Amazon and get a new one. But then again....maybe I get a new headband with a bad AF8 or TP10 (?)

Is this sensor defective at all? Or is this normal behaviour?

I would be thankful for any input on this matter.

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Re: Bad AF7 sensor on Muse S headband (?)

Post by James »

I think it's probably not the sensor itself but the skin contact. I would try the band on someone else before you return it. It also may be dirty, but that's unlikely if it's new. Try cleaning it with some rubbing alcohol, giving it a gentle scrub.
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Re: Bad AF7 sensor on Muse S headband (?)

Post by Amiga-Freak »

Hmm....well, I cleaned it with alcohol but it had no effect. And I hadn't had a chance yet to try it on another person, other than my wife. But she's not really the perfect reference, because of her long hair.

However, after experimenting with it for a while now....I get the suspicion that my AF7 sensor might be somehow more sensitive than the others. Because, sometimes when there are spikes wich are visible on all four of the sensors at the same time, their amplitude is biggest on AF7.

In addition it seems the signal gets better when I'm very calm, especiall when I'm breathing very regularly. Even when I sit very still and do not move at all, but are agitated (e.g. because of the bad signal ;-) ), the signal is worse compared to when I'm calm and relaxed and my breathing is quite regular. In the latter case the AF7 can get almost as good as the other sensors (which get a little better as well if I calm down).

The deadline for returning the headband to Amazon is August, 19th. I will experiment with it until then, and then make the decision.
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Re: Bad AF7 sensor on Muse S headband (?)

Post by esc »

Hi Amiga-Freak,

I have exactly same issue with my muse S. The readings from AF7 sensor are very erratic. I have tried cleaning it with water and alcohol, readjusting the position nothing helped. I have also tried it on a different person and the issue persist. Did you find a solution to your problem or ended up returning the headset ?

Thanks esc
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Re: Bad AF7 sensor on Muse S headband (?)

Post by licenzia »

after a while I was using Muse S (Model MS-01) with the official app I started recording my session with mind monitor and then I saw a strange behavior: the exactly issue described here. All the sensors are working perfectly but not the AF7, sometime is almost impossible to get the signal from there.
I tried all the possible tests: other people, cleaning it, positioning it in different way on my skin but nothing seems to be the solution, despite the fact that the official application is always telling me that connection is perfect for all the sensors.

Here picture of one of my last session and the signal status:
raw.png (138.75 KiB) Viewed 4217 times
and this the status of the sensor:
Screenshot_20201031-151808_Mind Monitor.jpg
Screenshot_20201031-151808_Mind Monitor.jpg (181.33 KiB) Viewed 4217 times
like you can see something is really wrong. Question for you James: are you 100% sure the last Muse S doesn't have any problem with Mind Monitor? I'm surprise with the same set-up on me shown before I don't have any problem of connection with the official app.

Let me know your thoughts.

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Re: Bad AF7 sensor on Muse S headband (?)

Post by James »

I'm 100% sure the Muse S works just fine. I have one myself and it works. From my online stats I can see that there are hundreds of people using the Muse S with Mind Monitor. Lastly I know personally of many many university studies around the world using the Muse S (as well as older version Muses) :-)
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Re: Bad AF7 sensor on Muse S headband (?)

Post by James »

One thing I would note about the Muse S, is that it's possible to have a stuck pogo-pin. Pogo-pins are the little spring loaded connection pins that connect the Muse module to the headband. If one of the pins gets stuck in, then it will stop you from being able to get a connection at all.
If you remove the module from the headband, all the pins should be sticking out the same distance. If one is stuck in, then you'll have issues and may need to get the module replaced.
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Re: Bad AF7 sensor on Muse S headband (?)

Post by licenzia »

Hi James,
Thank you for the confirmation I had to be sure before starting a crusade against Interaxon to replace my headband. The hard think will be give evidences to Interaxon without referring to 3rd part software.

I was pretty sure about no problem for Mind Monitor, it works really well, congrats.

I double checked also the pins and all seem in perfect shape, I bought it in May I'd be surprise to have already problems like this, in case checked.

Thanks again, cheers
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Re: Bad AF7 sensor on Muse S headband (?)

Post by Muse-S-1234 »

I seem to be having a similar problem. Erratic signal from the AF7. I cleaned the sensor and tried with electrode gel and it persists. Did you find a solution?
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Re: Bad AF7 sensor on Muse S headband (?)

Post by MusicGirl »

hey Guys I have the same problem with my AF8 - it is killing me! I cant get a single session without interference.
I am trying to completely discharge the muse at the moment, because I feel like its not showing the correct battery levels. It said it was almost empty and i have still done 4 10 minute sessions with it and it is still not empty. I am also finding that it never seemed 100% charged when I attached it.

I'll update you, if I notice a difference. I also bought the gel, cleaned it - to no avail.
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