Muse Lab Installation Not working? MACOS

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Muse Lab Installation Not working? MACOS

Post by anasoori »

I cannot seem to get Muse Lab to install on MAC OS

I have allowed the installation in security but when launching it does nothing.

Any advice?

Also, what alternative methods of visualizing the data on Mac could you recommend?
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Re: Muse Lab Installation Not working? MACOS

Post by James »

Sorry, I don't have a Mac. You'd need to ask Interaxon as it's their app.

Muse Lab just shows you the exact same stuff as in Mind Monitor, so I don't think it really adds much. I would recommend viewing your data on the online charts or if you want to get deep into data science, then use MatLab.
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Re: Muse Lab Installation Not working? MACOS

Post by anasoori »

Thanks for the prompt reply

I loaded up MATLAB and can't seem to get the osc_java_test.m to run. Not sure if it's the right script to be running

I changed target IP to mine and changed OSCPortIn to 5000 in the script as well as the method to listen

Am I doing it wrong?

The error I get is:

'Java 1.8.0_144-b01 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode'

Warning: Objects of com/illposed/osc/OSCPortIn class exist - not
clearing java
> In javaclasspath>local_javapath (line 195)
In javaclasspath (line 124)
In javaaddpath (line 71)
In osc_java_test (line 3)
Error using osc_java_test (line 6)
Java exception occurred: Address already in use (Bind failed)
at Method)
at com.illposed.osc.OSCPortIn.<init>(Unknown Source)
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Re: Muse Lab Installation Not working? MACOS

Post by James »

Sorry, I don't know what that script is. I don't have MatLab myself as it's too expensive for a commercial licence, but it's been recommended by many data scientists and university researchers who use Mind Monitor professionally.
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